Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The devil is alive in the Word of Faith Fellowship Church

Oh my God the devil is alive and he is in the Word of Faith Fellowship Church in NC.

Everyone may not know this gay member of the LGBTQ but Michael Lowry is getting lots of attention for exposing abuse the church has done to him some time ago.

As he tells the story the church was some sort of a home for Michael and he had been attending this church for years. Last year Michael told some of the congregation that he is gay and that is when the church allegedly took it upon themselves to hold this young gay man against his will to try and beat the gay out of him verbally and physically.

No doubt this must be a scary situation for him and it takes a lot of guts to come back later to confront those who now say Michael Lowry's allegations are false. You know there will be accusations thrown back and forth with lot of  "faulty" and "selective" memories floating around.

No one is going to own up to the accusation that the Word of Faith Church in NC may have hurt this man. I have to use the word "maybe" because the law has not convicted these people in a trial yet. Hell, the organization plus Lowry's parents are claiming they did not know Michael was gay until the news report came out. What kind of bull is that?

What kind of parents would make their child a sitting duck for abuse of any kind? If they made a mistake like so many parents have, in the past, faced with the same situation why not own up to the problem and rebuild that relationship with their child? Does Michael Lowry's parents feel this will be over if they let it all just blow away?

These are some very disturbing and interesting questions but one thing is for sure. The devil is alive and kicking so someone is going to have a barbecued behind. 

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