Thursday, October 4, 2012

Punch someone in the face next time they have something to say about how you look

Everybody look at this gay ad on the left. A beautiful site right? Now how many reader's self-esteem just dropped to the floor because they wished they looked like these models?

This all came to me when I was reading an article in the Huffington Post titled "Gay Men and Body Image: It's Time For a Revolution".  The author Jacob Tobia tell stories of personal battles dealing with his self-esteem when he was younger and how he wanted to look like the models in this post.

Tobia also wrote about how family and friends bullied him about his weight and made fun of the fact he had a pot belly. Through this experience he recently came up with the revelation that it was time for gay men to not put the focus on their outward appearance but worry about the person you are on the inside.

Now, I agree with Tobia. There needs to be a change but if a lot of you gay men are like me; don't you just want to hit someone in their face when they say something to bring you down. I am not advocating violence so don't take this the wrong way. I am just saying there is a part of me that want to put some of these high and mighty gay men in their place that believe they are so beautiful by classifying someone else as ugly.

I got a news flash for the beautiful people. Physical beauty comes and goes with the next generation of young gay males. Not to mention that someone will always have something to say about you whether you are tall, short, good looking, ugly or green. It is just in some people's nature to build themselves up by tearing you down which is an easy task in this beauty centric gay male culture we live in.

I got some more news for you, nobody on this planet can make you feel bad about yourself if you understand their disrespect is not about you. It is about them trying to feel better at your expense. Show people that your cost is too high, because the real beautiful has unconditional value and you have already finished your payments to receive that type of beauty.

Stop playing with the devil if you want to be beautiful.

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