Monday, October 1, 2012

NOM doesn't want to follow the rules of disclosure in Maine

First a big thanks to the creator of this blog for allowing me express myself unconditionally in this post. It is me Gregory Kelley which you can catch my gay news and relationship articles at and

This my first time contributing to this blog and I am so use to writing in third person so forgive me if I get a little too honest in this post.

The National Organization for Marriage is a fucking cunt. Ok, let me be a little more specific, they are a fucking douche bag. This all stems from the recent duck and cover tactic they are using to avoid disclosing their donation list from the 2009 initiative that stomped out gay marriage rights in Maine.

Thank God the Supreme Court decided not to hear their case of Maine's disclosure law being against free speech which is a load of free crap. If you are going to play hard, play fair like everyone else. Any organization that raised money must register a list of donors that gave $5000 dollars or more to influence any election in the state of Maine. NOM has been trying to duck this law by getting the Supreme Court involved which is weak.

Let's move on to theoretical reason why NOM is being a bitch about this whole thing. The first thought that popped into my head has to do with money. Let's take the scenario with Chick-fil-A.

Chick-fil-A is based in Atlanta which holds the third largest population of gay Americans. Chick-fil-A have been giving large sums of donations to NOM to fight against marriage equality. Now, how many gay Atlanta residents put their money into Chick-fil-A? I am going to guess a lot. Now, that Dan Cathy was careless enough to express his personal anti-gay marriage views which caused concern of where Chick-fil-A gives their charitable dollars, do you think gay people are spending the same amount of money with the company?

The answer is hell no. Why would the gay community help Dan Cathy and NOM stomp out our rights using money supplied by us. That is fucking insane. NOM knows if that list were to get out then the LGBTQ would know which anti-gay companies, are highly invested in the LGBTQ.  Gay Americans have deep pockets and massive spending power. We would not allow the use of our dollars to fight against gay rights.

Like I said just a theory.

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