Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Atlanta couple tries to stab each other, what the devil

This news story about a gay couple stabbing each other comes from Project Q Atlanta which is a great online media outlet to read.

You have this couple in Atlanta, one man is 40-years-old the other is 29, having domestic fights from hell that started in the bedroom with pillow talk.

The first thing I thought of is a lack of sleep probably contributed to the already hostile situation and I bet they went to bed mad. My mama always told me not to go to bad mad with the person I love because I might not wake up that next morning. She never told me I might not wake up because I had a knife in my chest though.

So, from verbally fighting in the bed it turned into a physical fight with a scuffle in the bedroom closet. How in the hell you end up from the bed to the closet? From the closet the fight went into the bathroom and somewhere during all this chaos someone had the good sense to call the police.

When the police got there the older person in the relationship said his lover tried to stab him but I guess that story did not hold any water because the paramedics judged his injuries as self-inflicted. The police might have believed him if he had not gotten out of jail, two months ago, for a prior domestic charge where he tried to stab the young boyfriend.

This is some bullshit. That is too much hell when you get to the point of knife stabbing and night arguing. When you get to that point let it go. It is not worth it especially when APD gets involved. This may be projecting but Atlanta Police care very little about two gay people chopping each other in the middle of the night.

Sounds to me they've already played the devil so just get a goodnight's rest the next time or breakup.

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